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write my assignment 31194

1. The psychological perspective sees crime primarily as: A) problem behavior B) a violation of a law C) a form of social maladjustment D) an offense against human relationships 2. Which of the following is not one of the three principle components of criminology proposed by Clarence Ray Jeffery? A) Detection of the offender B) The control of crime C) Treatment D) Explanation of crime and criminal behavior 3. Which of the following crime reduction or prevention strategies is most characteristic of the social problems perspective? A) A government-funded initiative to enhance educational opportunities among low-income individuals B) Rewriting state statutes to increase the severity of punishment for violent offenders, such as three-strikes laws C) A move to broaden police powers by increasing the number of exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule D) All of the above E) None of the above 4. A victim may actively contribute to his/her own victimization through the appearance of A) defensiveness. B) exposure. C) defenselessness. D) precipitation. 5. Crime in the United States has been increasing for the past decade. A) True B) False 6. Theoretical criminology focuses on describing crime and its occurrence. A) True B) False 7. The social problems perspective holds that crime is: A) chosen by individual perpetrators. B) not going to be solved by social programs. C) a manifestation of underlying social problems. D) none of the above 8. The thermic law of crime was developed by A) André Michel Guerry. B) Adolphe Quételet. C) Cesare Beccaria. D) Thomas Robert Malthus. 9. Hate crimes are most commonly committed by A) black males. B) black females. C) white males. D) white females. 10. According to the NCVS, members of which racial group experience the highest rates of violent victimization? A) Hispanics B) Asians C) Whites D) African Americans 11. According to the UCR, the rate of reported forcible rape is highest in the__________ months. A) summer B) spring C) winter D) fall 12. If you unlawfully enter a structure to commit a felony, you have probably committed the crime of A) theft. B) burglary. C) robbery. D) breaking and entering. 13. __________ is legally seen as a true crime of passion. A) a. First-degree murder B) Second-degree murder C) Third-degree murder D) Negligent homicide 14. __________ is the process of turning a simple hypothesis into one that is testable. A) Theory building B) Variable development C) Operationalization D) Hypothesis testing 15. The problem of differential selection can be reduced through the use of A) statistical regression. B) random assignment. C) maturation. D) experimental mortality. 16. Techniques that produce measurable results that can be analyzed statistically are A) quantitative methods. B) tests of significance. C) intersubjectivity. D) qualitative methods. 17. Which of the following research methods produces quantitative data? A) Case studies B) Participant observation C) Controlled experiments D) Life histories E) None of the above 18. A __________ correlation exists between sample size and the degree of confidence we can have in our results. A) curvilinear B) negative C) inverse D) positive 19. Which of the following statements would probably not be made by an adherent of the Classical School? A) I believe that punishment is necessary to deter criminals from committing more crimes. B) I believe that people have certain basic rights and that if the government infringes upon these rights, it should be dissolved. C) I believe that people’s behavior is determined by pain and pleasure. D) I believe that forces beyond a person’s control can affect his or her choice of criminal or noncriminal behavior. 20. According to routine activities theory, which of the following is not necessary for a crime to occur? A) The presence of a suitable target B) The presence of a motivated offender C) The absence of a capable guardian D) The presence of a defensible victim 21. Rational choice theory emphasizes primarily A) rationality and cognition B) pleasure and pain. C) emotionality. D) none of the above 22. According to modern-day advocates of general deterrence, which of the following is not required for punishment to be an effective impediment to crime? A) The punishment must be harsh. B) The punishment must be swift. C) The punishment must be certain. D) The punishment must be severe. E) All of the above. 23. Recidivism rates in the United States reach levels of A) 10% to 20%. B) 40% to 50%. C) 60% to 70%. D) 80% to 90%. 24. Those who advocate __________see the primary utility of punishment as revenge. A) rehabilitation B) deterrence C) Incapacitation D) retribution 25. Which of the following is not one of the fundamental assumptions of biological theories of crime causation? A) A tendency to commit crime may be inherited. B) The brain is the organ of behavior. C) They are all fundamental assumptions of biological theories. D) The basic determinants of criminal behavior are, to a considerable degree, the product of individual choice. 26. The early biological theory that studied the shape of the head to predict criminality was known as A) atavism. B) phrenology. C) physiognomy. D) somatotyping. E) B and C are correct 27. __________ is a concept used by Cesare Lombroso to suggest that criminality is the result of primitive urges that survived the evolutionary process. A) Atavism B) Ectomorph C) Schizoid D) Criminaloid 28. Which of the following foods has not been implicated in the production of criminal violence? A) Coffee B) MSG C) Processed foods D) All of the above may possibly trigger antisocial behavior. 29. The relationship between testosterone and aggressive behavior in young males appears to be moderated by A) the social environment. B) age. C) genetics. D) All of the above. E) None of the above. 30. Sociobiology was introduced by A) Freda Adler. B) James Q. Wilson. C) Edward O. Wilson. D) Arnold L. Lieber. 31. According to Cohn and Rotton, the relationship between temperature and assaults is strongest during the __________ hours. A) morning B) midday C) afternoon D) evening 32. Which of the following is not a fundamental assumption of most psychological theories of crime causation? A) The major motivational element within a person is personality. B) Crimes result from individual choice. C) Defective mental processes may have a variety of causes. D) Normality is generally defined by social consensus. 33. The concept of a psychopathic personality was developed by A) Ivan Pavlov. B) Hans Eysenck. C) Albert Bandura. D) Hervey Cleckley. 34. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of the psychopathic personality described by Cleckley? A) Superficial charm B) Low intelligence C) Chronic lying D) Unreliability 35. The Freudian concept of a death instinct is called A) Thanatos. B) sublimination. C) ego-ideal. D) neurosis. 36. According to Dollard, violence directed against something or someone who is not the source of the original frustration is known as A) repression. B) displacement. C) catharsis. D) Thanatos. 37. Which of the following is the definition of insanity under the Insanity Defense Reform Act? A) Because of a mental state or psychological condition the defendant was unable to resist committing the act. B) The defendant was suffering from a severe mental disease or defect and as a result was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts. C) The defendant’s actions were the product of mental disease or defect. D) The defendant cannot justly be held responsible for the criminal act in the face of any claims of insanity. 38. The ___________ is a standard for judging legal insanity that considers whether a person was not able to resist committing the crime because of his or her mental state. A) Durham rule B) substantial capacity test C) irresistible-impulse test D) Brawner rule 39. The jury determines what constitutes insanity in states that use the A) substantial capacity test. B) Brawner rule. C) irresistible-impulse test. D) Durham rule. 40. According to Thomas and Znaniecki, increased crime rates among recent immigrants to America was due to social A) disorganization. B) conflict. C) pathology. D) ecology. 41. According to general strain theory, strain occurs when which of the following events occurs? A) Someone tries to prevent you from achieving positively valued goals. B) Someone removes negatively valued stimuli. C) Someone presents you with positively valued stimuli. D) Someone helps you to achieve positively valued goals. 42. Conflict theories see __________ as a fundamental cause of crime. A) social disenfranchisement B) the nature of existing power relationships between social groups C) a lack of self control D) the strength of the social bond 43. The concept that crime is defined in terms of the power structures that exist in society exemplifies the __________ perspective. A) political B) sociological C) mainstream D) psychological 44. Official crime rates in the United States are __________; correctional populations are __________. A) decreasing; decreasing B) increasing, decreasing C) decreasing; increasing D) increasing; increasing 45. __________ means that when the same conditions exist, the same results can be expected to follow. A) Intersubjectivity B) Replicability C) Internal validity D) Randomization 46. Which of the following techniques falls into the situational crime control category of reducing the rewards? A) Formal surveillance B) Deflecting offenders C) Facilitating compliance D) Removing targets 47. The idea of viewing cities in terms of concentric zones was developed by A) Robert Park and Ernest Burgess. B) W. I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. C) Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay. D) Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld 48. The development of favorable attitudes toward the use of violence involves A) learned behavior. B) biological factors. C) psychological traits. D) frustration or strain. 49. Reaction formation was developed by A) Thorsten Sellin. B) David Matza. C) Elijah Anderson. D) Albert Cohen. 50. Some researchers suggest that __________ theories fail to distinguish between the condition of social disorganization and the crimes that this condition is said to cause. A) strain. B) culture conflict. C) ecological. D) subcultural.


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write my assignment 30718

Option 1: Providing Health Services in a Rural Community: A Presentation on Project Feasibility

Providing healthcare services to residents in rural areas has presented increased challenges that include access and cost. For your Capstone Project, you will be using a case study that focuses on Pocahontas Memorial Hospital located in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. For case study details, see the below description of the hospital.

Pocahontas Memorial Hospital (PMH) would like to offer a comprehensive satellite health clinic within Pocahontas County. You have been contracted to make presentation for the PMH Board of Directors to guide them in determining the feasibility of opening a satellite clinic as part of a strategic initiative for their annual strategic management planning process. Present your feasibility report as PowerPoint slides with added presentation notes to support the content on the slides or other presentation/graphic format. Supporting narrative content with associated citations is required for the diagrams.

Your presentation should be organized according to the following structure and contain the elements described:

  • Introduction: This is where you introduce your audience to what this report will cover.Description of PMH and potential project
  • Discussion of whether the organization’s mission, vision and goals support the project
  • Assessment: This is your evaluation of various factors that affect the feasibility and development of the project.Internal and external stakeholders involved and their buy-in for this project
  • Internal and external environmental challenges (e.g., access for consumers, medical equipment, technology, community involvement required)
  • A market analysis
  • A SWOT analysis
  • Recommendations and Implementation: This is where you detail your recommendations and strategies for implementation. Your recommendations should be based directly on what you outlined in your assessment.Strategies for attracting healthcare professionals and staff
  • Feasibility for development satellite clinic
  • Value-adding support and resources (e.g., equipment, technology, etc.)
  • Develop strategic initiatives
  • Short and long terms plans for implementation of strategic initiatives 
  • Brief discussion of how you will evaluate and benchmark this project.
  • Conclusion: This brief summary should pull together your assessment and recommendations and leave the audience with a clear sense of what can be done.

Your well-written presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 12-15 slides in length, not including the cover or reference slides or appendices
  • Be formatted for a formal presentation including headings per slide, major points per slide, and presentation notes or embedded audio to supplement each slide provided as if you were doing the actual presentation.
  • Include the strategic thinking maps and content your created for the earlier module assignments. They may be added in addition to / or as a part of the 12-15 slides of content or moved to the Appendix section
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements
  • Provide support for your statements with full APA in-text citations from a minimum of ten (10) scholarly references – five of these references must be from outside sources and five may be from course readings, lectures, and textbooks. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Include full market analysis and SWOT analysis diagrams in the Appendix of the slideshow, but present your narrative discussion of each in the Assessment section of your presentation
  • Be submitted as a PowerPoint file; do not submit presentation as a pdf file
  • Include presentation notes for each slide to support the slide content. These may be a part of the PowerPoint or in a separate Word document.
  • If you choose to include a link to a presentation of the slideshow (optional), provide that link in the presentation notes.

HCM580 – Strategic Management in Healthcare

Capstone Project Case Study Information

The circumstances in Pocahontas County resonate in many rural communities across the country:

·        A depressed local economy

·        Substantial barriers to health access

·        Difficulty in attracting health professionals.

Portrait of Pocahontas County

Pocahontas County is located in the southeast region of West Virginia. The county has a total of 942 square miles and is the site of the head waters for eight rivers: Cherry River, Cranberry River, Elk River, Ganley River, Greenbriar River, Tygart Valley River, Williams River, and Shaver Fork of the Cheat River. Pocahontas County consists of the following towns: Arborale, Bartow, Buckeye, Cass, Dunmore, Durbin, Greenbank, Hillsboro, Marlington, and Slatyfork.

As of the 2010 Census there are 9,131 people residing in Pocahontas County. The racial makeup is 98% Caucasian, .78% African American, .43% Hispanic, .14% Asian, and .07% Native American. The median income for a household within the county is $26,401.

Access to Health Services

Pocahontas County has a shortage of healthcare providers. There is one hospital, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, and one nursing home, Pocahontas Center. The ratio for dentists is 8,851 to 1. The ratio for primary care physicians is 8508 to 1 (County Health Roadmaps & Rankings, n.d.). The county’s physician-to-population ratio is significantly higher than the Unites States overall ratio.

Pocahontas Memorial Hospital is a 25-bed, level-4 trauma center. A rural health clinic is located within the hospital. The health clinic offers laboratory services, immunizations, disease management, and monthly specialty clinics (cardiology, podiatry, and nephrology).

For more information about Pocahontas Memorial Hospital, visit the following website:



County Health Roadmaps & Rankings. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://


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write my assignment 10632

Alex comes to you for advice. Alex is 27 years old, and he just found out that his 21-year-old girlfriend, Elizabeth, is pregnant. Elizabeth has aspirations of becoming a cardiologist one day; therefore, she wants to give the baby up for adoption. Alex wants to parent the child. Elizabeth and her parents would prefer that the baby be adopted by a married couple because they would be mature enough to handle the responsibility of child-rearing. They live in the state of Washington. In constructing your answer please answer the following questions: Review the following statutes of the state of Washington and answer the questions below:

Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) §§ 26.26.101, 26.26.116, 26.26.305, 26.26.505, 26.33.160, 26.33.170

1) What are Alex’s rights, if any, in this situation? Outline the steps Alex would go through in order to exercise his rights in this situation. 2) Contrast Alex’s rights with Elizabeth’s rights. In your conclusion, speculate what the likely outcome should be in this case. Be sure to cite relevant statutory law for each conclusion.


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write my assignment 20629

Assignment 2: Recoding Data The unpleasant truth about data …Even with only a subset of the subjects and variables from the original study, and even with the data cleaned up pretty well prior to uploading the data set, you can see that there are some problems. If you only have 100 records, it might be feasible to go through these by hand and edit errors. However, if your data number in the thousands, it is not possible. The ProblemHere is our problem – we want to create subsets of our data so that we can look at medication and education for patients who are overweight (more than 200 lbs) and are hypotensive (systolic blood pressure <91mmHg). The SolutionIn this assignment you will learn two useful functions SAS has for recoding data, a few statements and two more procedures. The complete program is below, followed be a step by step explanation. Enter it exactly as below except that you will need to change the first statement from “–enter-class-directory-here’ to match the LIBNAME in the email you received from your professor. LIBNAME coh611 “/courses/dd4f9595ba27fe300” ACCESS=READONLY;PROC FREQ DATA = coh611.survey2 ;DATA cleandata ;​SET coh611.survey2;​If systolic_blood_pressure lt 91 then hypotensive = 1;Else hypotensive = 0;If weight gt 200 then overweight = 1;Else overweight = 0;PROC SORT DATA = cleandata ;​BY hypotensive;PROC UNIVARIATE DATA = cleandata;​VAR age;​BY hypotensive;Proc freq data = cleandata;Where overweight = 1;Tables race;Proc freq data = cleandata;Where overweight = 0;Tables medication;RUN ;PROC SGPLOT DATA = cleandata;HISTOGRAM systolic_blood_pressure;By hypotensive;RUN; Part A: Submit your program log and output (2 points)Part B: Answer the following four questions: (8 points)1. What was the mean age of the participants who were NOT hypotensive?2. What was the median age of the participants who were hypotensive?3. What percentage of the overweight population is white?4. How many of the people who are not overweight take Plavix?


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