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Answered>Order 1181

please see the attachment. So people, I am writing so the other who did not attend class can also have the opportunity for the extra point. What I want? I want you to show that when two systems, 1 and 2, are brought into contact and you allow energy to flow from 1 to 2 and particles to […]


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Answered>Order 1182

A. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship, the partnership, the S corporation, and the C corporation as a tax vehicle that could meet the client’s need for accounting information about the business. Consider providing justification for why the client would not necessarily choose the other business entities. B. Summarize the […]


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Answered>Order 1183

Need assistance in explaining the following. 1.      The photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun. T 2.      Below the photosphere not much light is produced but it is allowed to escape into space. F 3.      In the granulation of the photosphere, the hotter bright granules are rising redshifted regions and the darker cooler granules are sinking blueshifted […]


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Answered>Order 1184

A former supervisor has already agreed to be one of your references. What should you do after a job interview? a.Do nothing. Your former supervisor will let you know if he or she is contacted. b.Ask your former supervisor to call the employer immediately so that your reference comes in before anyone else’s. c.Write an […]


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