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write my assignment 21421

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses What Not to Do.

Those who asked such burning questions were either pressured to conform to the ‘norms’ or faced limitation of their terms.

The other major flaw that contributed to the demise of AHERF was the alliance between the chief executive officer and the chairperson of the board. The board meetings became only staged performances, as if the participants were following a script. The participants were often given huge reports and never enough time to review them. To summarize both the problems, many frauds and financial weaknesses were covered up, investors were kept in the dark about financial standing of AHERF and there were justifications for later acquisitions by AHERF, such as expansion or market presence (Burns, Cacciamani & Clement, 2000). Here are some of the proposed solutions for the problems that AHERF faced.

The board structure plays crucial role in the financial and operational wellbeing of any corporate. The articles of incorporation and bylaws serve as guidelines for the board members. The organization of board is not a hard and fast rule, it varies considerably from one board to another (Lockee, 2005). In fact, each hospital must uphold its own ethos and autonomy (Tipping, 1999).The task of the committees is to support the work of the board, (which AHERF did too well). However, support never means bling support for board’s work. The major mistake that AHERF made was when people started ruling board meeting and decisions instead of bylaws defining their roles. The chairperson is the most important member of the board, which delegates tasks and oversees performances, had AHERF done this properly, an alliance between the chair person and the chief executive would not have been possible.

The other mistake regarding AHERF’s board meeting is suppressing opinions, twisting and contorting free speech so that it would not hurt the agenda of the chairperson and the chief executive officer. Effective boards are


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write my assignment 21032

I need some assistance with these assignment. healing hospital Thank you in advance for the help! A healing atmosphere should be free from loud noise, long hall ways and machines producing sounds. Patients who are healing require substantial sleep for their bodies to restore most of its tissues (OBrien, 2011).

A healing hospital should integrate its work plan and know-how. The work plans should be structured in such a way that a worker is comfortable by his/her timetable. Technology should be used to promote quick recovery from ailments. A clear example is the use of latest digital radiology in treating growth patients. A clearly laid design makes worker work competently.

A healing hospice should provide a culture of care and love to its patient and stakeholders. Individuals who are dedicated to giving a reliable healing environment are crucial for the success of a healing hospital. Patients get well quickly when they feel loved and cared for. A healing hospital without the care and love showed by its health personnel to its patient are not a healing hospital (Young & Koopsen, 2005).

Employees working at a healing hospital are trained to be spiritual in their daily activities, in the hospital. Spirituality acknowledges the being of supreme beings. In healing hospitals, there is the use of touch pads engraved with spiritual words like ’God Heals’. Healing intentions of a healing hospital are constantly taught and parties like religious sessions allowed in the healing program for patients. Spirituality and healing are identifiable, since they both serve the purpose of healing ailments and individual.

In glow to the barriers and hardships of a healing hospice environment, there are challenges which arise in its creation (Young & Koopsen, 2005). The challenges of coming up with a healing hospital are rigidness, physical environment and meeting customer objectives.

A potent healing environment is hindered by the inability to pardon and forget.


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write my assignment 20236

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Enterovirus D68. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

The virus has been associated to cause serious respiratory symptoms, and it can be particularly serious for children with asthma or other illnesses that make breathing difficult. For such children, the infection can result in hospitalization and death if appropriate action are not taken (Sawyer, 45). The paper analyses the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, lab diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Since the discovery of enterovirus in 1962, it has been described mostly as sporadically in isolated cases. Enterovirus cases have been described to occur during warm months, from spring to autumn. Many parts in the United States have experienced an outbreak of the virus that has sent hundreds of children into hospitalization according to the centre of disease control. Children less than five years old and those with asthma appear to be the most a risk of enterovirus D68 illness. It was found in 2 out of 5 children during a 2012- 2013 cluster of the polio-like disease in California. In addition, adults with asthma and those immunosuppressed have a risk of the illness. Six outbreaks between 2005 and 2011 have been reported in Philippines, Netherlands and Japan, Arizona, Pennsylvania and states of Georgia (Tebruegge and Curtis, 226). Enterovirus caused clusters of respiratory disease in August 2014 and by mid-October 691 individuals in 46 US states and the Columbia district had come own with a respiratory illness caused by the virus, where five children also died. In 2014, clusters of cases were reported in parts of Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania. The number of states affected with the virus is expected to rise as testing of specimen backlog continues. In Netherlands, the virus was detected in 70 persons during the period of 1995 and 2010 of which 57 were symptomatic. The most prevalent affected persons are asthma


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write my assignment 4534

As part of a larger system project. Clone Bank of Clone, Colorado, wants your help in setting up a new monthly reporting form for its checking account customers. The president and vice president are very attuned to what customers in the community are saying. They think that their customers want a checking account summary that looks like the one offered by the other three banks in town. They are unwilling, however, to commit to that form without a formal summary of customer feedback that supports their decision. Feedback will not be used to change the prototype form in any way. They want you to send a prototype to one group and to send the old form to another group.In a paragraph discuss a situation under which it would be advisable to prototype a new form.


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