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Answered>Order 6541

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Medieval history significance. Download file to see previous pages… By the start of the eleventh century most of Europe was christianized, and the earlier period of Viking invasions and barbarian ransacking of Christian communities had ceased. Religion was an increasingly a key factor in […]


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Answered>Order 6542

3.Criminal Law: Employee theft of merchandise or customer theft What am I looking for in a paper? I will grade based on content, organization, readability, and grammatical correctness. Content includes your ideas as well as your research. Organization includes external transitions (section to section) and internal transitions (paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence). Readability means how well the paper […]


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Answered>Order 6543

Create a 6 page essay paper that discusses Music and Adolescence. Each adolescent has their own individual preferences with the type of music they regularly listen to. Some of the past research studies have tried examining how the music preferences of the listeners affect their mood (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, tenderness, power, brightness, melancholy, relaxation, […]


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Answered>Order 6544

DETAILS OF THE COMPANIES Getswift Ltd is an Australian newly listed company which provides a software distribution solution. This is the same company that was used in the Individual assignment. It is expected that students research this company beyond just the financial statements (especially for Part B) Pursuit Pty Ltd has been a target customer […]


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