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write my assignment 8688

Does Low Dose CT screening for lung cancer result in earlier diagnosis of lung cancer?

·       The question could compare data statistics in the population who have been diagnosed with lung cancer who received screening and those who have not.

·       The null hypothesis is that populations with a higher screening rate do not have a lower incidence of deaths due to lung cancer.

·       The alternative hypothesis is that populations with a higher screening rate do have a lower incidence of deaths due to lung cancer.

Key variables

·       Dependent variable

·       Cancer stage at diagnosis (stage 1, 2, 3 and 4)

·       Independent variable

·       Status of LDCT prior to lung cancer diagnosis

·       Controlled Variable

·       Age – 65-77

I need to perform an bi-variate analysis by means of descriptive statistics. Please explain in detail.


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write my assignment 13358

This is not a paper but a question and answer type format.

That’s all I need is 500-600 words. If possible.

In this activity, you will review the Rainey article to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of sampling design.

Read the following article:

Rainey, H. (2011). Sampling designs for analyzing publicness: Alternatives and their strengths and weaknesses (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, 21(1), pp. 321-345. Retrieved from http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=62012048&site=eds-live&scope=site

Respond to the following:

  • Determine the challenges the researchers faced while sampling and collecting this data.
  • Compose a list of lessons learned about sampling and data collection based on this article.
  • Suggest ways researchers in the public and nonprofit sector could overcome these challenges while maintaining the validity of their findings.


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write my assignment 16238

Case Study…

After a meeting with the operations manager of your organisation, you close the door to your office so you can think of strategies to resolve an issue that has come up. The operations manager casually mentioned he had just finished a performance review of one of his employees and offered the employee a large raise because of all the hours the employee was putting in. The raise was equal to 11 percent of the employee’s salary. The operations manager, being new both to the company and to a union, wasn’t aware of the contract agreement surrounding pay increases. An employee must receive a minimum of a 2 percent pay increase per year and a maximum of 7 percent per year based on the contract. You worry that if the union gets to know about this, everyone at that employee’s pay level may file a grievance asking for the same pay raise. Of course, the challenge is that the manager already told this person he would be receiving the 11 percent raise. You know you need to act fast to remedy this situation.

You are required to interview a human resource manager to get his or her expert opinion to solve the following case questions. In addition, students are suggested to do their own research in order to state their agreement and argument to the expert opinion.   

Case Questions

1. As an HR professional, what should you have done initially to prevent this issue from happening?

2. Recommend a specific strategy to be implemented stating how you will prevent this from happening in the future.


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write my assignment 26651

Need help with my writing homework on Critic of Pollock’s Art. Write a 5000 word paper answering; Nevertheless, he also lauds Pollock’s genius in combining murals and drama as expressed by the use of Cubism, similar to that of Mexican muralists. After criticizing Pollock’s self-portrait, the critic then narrates the interesting and exciting journeys of Pollock into his life as an artist. Definitely, the mania that Pollock had on creating his work famous work “Mural” cannot be denied since he persevered day and night, relentlessly painting until he finished the work.

The critic considers Pollock a rebel in expressing Abstract Art through his ( Pollock’s) extensive use of drippings that seem to be random but would converge later and produce a work of Art. In fact, Haber’s critic of Pollock’s works was satirical since asserted that his style was between “ Impressionism and Sunday Painting” ( paragraph 3). Nevertheless, Haber salutes Pollock’s ability to scrawl which is an indicator of maturity in artists. The article also noted that this method of Pollock scared his future wife Lee Krasner.

“First, paint takes over its shallow space. It gets denser, a painting symmetry gets more obvious, and the technique gets varied and absorbing. A physicist has actually quantified the symmetry, not implausibly, with fractal geometry. When Pollock calls a painting Simmering Substance, one sees the heat but feels a refreshing cool”.

Despite these admirable comments of Haber, he still tries to psychoanalyze Pollock as he constantly inserts bits of the artist’s life in his article. Apparently, Pollock’s art is an expression of his grief and losses in life that can be attributed to his being an alcoholic. Similarly, Haber discussed the issue of depression by giving its operational definition according to the renowned psychologist and novelist Juliet Kristeva. It seems that Kristeva’s life has parallelism with Pollock’s. Haber then established the depression of Pollock and how it largely influenced his artworks.

The article achieved a&nbsp.balance by citing the role of Lee Krasner in enhancing Pollock’s life as an artist. Aside from being a duty-bound wife struggling to cover his alcoholic husband, Haber relates that she was instrumental in introducing Pollock to Cubism. But the more refreshing part of the review was Haber’s analysis of how Pollock gained acceptance of the feminine side of art which is undoubtedly an influence of his wife.


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