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write my assignment 30036

  • Topic – anything you choose
  • You must use Bootstrap
  • root directory: bootstrap
  • you can either put the necessary bootstrap css, jQuery, and bootstrap.js files in your bootstrap folder (using css, fonts, and js folders) or use CDNs, or a combination; you can use the regular or the minified version
  • you may use Dreamweaver if you like
  • HTML four files minimum
  • Use CSS rather than deprecated/obsolete tags and attributes
  • have the necessary !doctype, html, head, title, and body tags in the proper places
  • the filename of the first page of your site (usually the home page) should be index.html or index.htm or some other name so that the server will send the page when a URL without the file name is entered in the browser
  • Image files:You must use at least 4 image files. They can be used as inline images or as background images
  • You may use an image file in more than one place. For example, if you have an image named turtle.jpg, you may use this on all the pages, for example as a background image in the footer. This counts as 1 image.
  • If you take an image file from another site, specify in HTML comments near the img tag (or near the specification of the background image using CSS comments) the exact URL of the image from the other site (e.g. saying Google Images is not sufficient) – it must be clear which image is taken from which site.
  • If you are using an image from another site, the proper approach is to save the file to your site and the image reference (e.g. in the src attribute) will then be a relative reference to the file on your site; do not use an absolute reference to the image on the other site (two reasons: the image will disappear from your site if the other site renames, moves or removes the image, and the absolute reference to the other site imposes a small cost on that site)
  • If the image was created by you or someone you know, either in a graphics program or by taking a picture, indicate that in HTML comments.
  • You should not resize images using either HTML attributes or CSS; if you need to resize, do it in a graphics program
  • The image should be responsive, e.g. by adding a class=”img-responsive” to the img tag – see the example at https:// an appropriate value for the alt attribute for all non-trivial images
  • CSS: use bootstrap.css or the minified versionif you choose to add some custom CSS, make the own CSS file, separate from bootstrap.css
  • the link to the custom style sheet must go below the link to the bootstrap.css so that it overrides the bootstrap css file where there is a conflict
  • use CSS for layout rather than tables or a linear layout (a linear layout is one that can be achieved without the use of tables or CSS)
  • do not use inline or embedded styles
  • TextTry to put y our own text. You may use limited text from elsewhere, if you indicate (e.g. in HTML comments) the exact URL of the place where you got the text; e.g. don’t just say Wikipedia – it must be clear what text is taken from what site
  • Have sufficient contrast between text and background so that your text (including visited and unvisited links) is easily readable
  • ResponsivenessSite must be responsive
  • In other words, the layout changes at least once depending upon viewport size: xs, sm, md, lg (Bootstrap 3) or col, sm, md, lg, xl (Bootstrap 4)
  • use bootstrap grid-based classes to make.
  • you may, but need not, specify multiple classes for a particular element so that the layout changes at multiple breakpoints. I may give extra credit for this.
  • Bootstrap components – four are required: You can pick which ones. I may give extra credit for additional onesWhat is a component? – see the list at http://getbootstrap.com/components/ or https:// (the links on the left from Typography through Affix) or the list in Dreamweaver from Insert>Bootstrap Components. Several of these relate to forms so use of the multiple form-related ones will count as 2.
  • The components should enhance the look or operation of the site and be integrated into the site. For example, if you use a navbar, all the navbar links must work and the navbar must be present on every page..If you use a navbar, you may want to make it responsive, so it changes to a “hamburger” icon when the viewed on a mobile device (see the last example at https:// )

I really need it before Sunday mid night. i just need a complete version, not really care about right or wrong. I will put some TIPS when i get it before midnight.

thank you


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write my assignment 18808

Need an argumentative essay on Gore-Tex Patents. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

At the end of the patent protection phase, the best strategy is to increase R&D investment as well as repositioning the product whose patent is expiring at a lower price point in order to continue to generate sales.

2. The fabric technology of the firm has been utilized in a wide range of products. The company has applied for winter coats, backpacks, shoes, and trousers. The firm has been able to obtain prestigious contracts such as the 1969 contract that enabled the company manufactured cables to reach outer space US-led moon missions. The firm has diversified product portfolio with multiple application which includes: new standards for comfort and protection for work wear and active gear. advanced the science of regenerating tissues destroyed by disease or traumatic injuries. next-generation materials for printed circuit boards and fiber optics. and new methods to detect and control environmental pollution.

3. The emphasis on technology and innovation has helped Gore become a multinational firm whose market value exceeds one billion dollars. Despite the company’s success, the continuous emphasis on technology is a strategy that has drawbacks and increases overall business risk. Once the patent of technology expires any firm can imitate the company’s product without incurring in any of the original research and development investment the firm incurred in. Another major drawback about placing a high emphasis on technology is that these types of products at times become obsolete very fast as other more advanced technology begin to appear in the marketplace. When a company becomes a victim of obsolete technology all the inventory of the product that became obsolete becomes worthless.


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write my assignment 5869

1. The manufacturer of the Classy Cola advertises that cans of the soft drink contain 355 mL of product. In reality, the amount of product in the cans follows a normal distribution with a mean of 355.4 mL and a standard deviation of 1.5 mL. 

(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected can contains less than 355 mL?

(b) What is the probability that 50 randomly selected cans have a mean amount less than 355 mL?

(c) Suppose that the amount of product in the cans is not normally distributed. Would your response in part (a) still be valid? Would your response in part (b) still be valid? Explain.

meansd 355.41.5 a)P(X<355)=NORMDIST(355,355.4,1.5,TRUE)0.394863b)P(X<355)=NORMSDIST((355-355.4)/(1.5/SQRT(50)))0.029673c)a) wont be valid as samlpe size isnt large and hence CLT…


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write my assignment 30904

1- A client who is admitted to the medical unit with an acute exacerbation of myasthenia gravis is receiving the anticholinesterase medication, edrophonium chloride. Which assessment finding indicates to the nurse that the medication is effective in treating the myasthenic crisis?

a-Marked improvement in the client’s muscle strength.

b-Increased urinary output and frequency.

c-Elevation of blood pressure and pulse rate.

d-Decreased amplitude of electrical stimulation in the muscle.

2- An adolescent is admitted to the hospital because of a suicide attempt with an overdose of acetaminophen. Which blood values are most important for the nurse to monitor during the first 72 hour following ingestion of this overdose?

a-PH, PC02, HC03

b-White blood count, hemoglobin, hematocrit

c-LDH or LD, SGOT or ALT, SGPT or AST.

d-BUN creatinine, specific gravity

3. Client with hypertension, who has been taking labetalol for two weeks, reports a five pound(2.2 kg) weight gain. Which follow-up assessment is most important for the nurse to obtain?

a- Body temperature.

b- Capillary refill

c- Breath sounds.

d-Muscle strength

4- Prior to administration of the initial dose of the GI agent misoprostol, which information should the nurse the obtain from the client?

a-Currently pregnant.

b-History of glaucoma.

c-Allergy to aspirin.

d-Taking an anti-emetic medication

5-A client with anemia secondary to chronic kidney disease started a prescription for epoetin alfa (Epogen) two months ago. Which client finding best indicates that the medication is effective?

a-Takes concurrent iron therapy without adverse effects

b-Hemoglobin level increased to 12 grams/dl (120 mmol/L).

c-Food diary shows increased consumption of iron-rich foods.

d-Reports of increased energy levels and decreased fatigue.

6- A client has been receiving an IV antibiotic for an infection. When the IV infiltrates, the client receives a prescription for the same antibiotic in oral form. The nurse notes that the oral form provides 100% bioavailability. What instruction is important to provide the client?

a-The oral form of the medication will be just as effective as the IV form

b-Since the oral dose will be much higher than the IV dose, be sure to report any side effects.

c-The oral form will be absorbed more quickly than the IV form of the medication.

d-The oral medication must be mixed and administered rapidly for best effect.

7-A female client has a hemoglobin of 9 grams/dL or 90 grams/L (SI) and iron supplements are prescribed. When teaching this client about the administration of iron supplements, how should the nurse instruct her to take the iron tablets?

a-Two hours after breakfast, with a small snack.

b-With a full meal at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

c-Prior to bedtime, with a glass of low fat milk.

d-Before breakfast, with a glass of orange juice.

8- A client is receiving the antithyroid medication, propylthiouracil (PTU) for hyperthyroidism. Assessment of the client’s vital signs reveal an elevated temperature, and the client reports a sore throat. The nurse palpates swollen glands. In addition to reporting the findings to the healthcare provider, which action by the nurse takes priority?

a-Assess for changes in taste sensation.

b-Observe for signs of hyperthyroidism.

c-Monitor the white blood cell count.

d-Offer warm fluids and saline throat gargle.

9-After receiving the first dose of penicillin the client begins wheezing and has trouble breathing. The nurse notifies the healthcare provider immediately and receives several prescriptions. Which medication prescription should the nurse administer first?

a-Epinephrine injection, USP IV.

b-Albuterol (Ventolin) inhaler.

c-Methylprednisolone (Medrol) IV.

d-Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) IV.

10-A client received succinylcholine (anectine), a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, during surgery. Which assessment finding is most important for the nurse to report the surgeon following surgery?

a-Observable skin flushing.

b-Blood pressure of 114/72.

c-Neck and shoulder pain.

d-ventricular tachycardia

11-Antibiotic-resistant organisms are a major infection control problem. To help minimize the emergence of resistant bacteria, what instruction should the nurse provide to clients?

a-Request a prescription for first line vancomycin for a sore throat.

b-Ask the healthcare provider to prescribe the newest antibiotic when neede.

c-Stop taking prescribed antibiotics when symptoms decrease.

d-Avoid using antibiotics when suffering from colds or the flu.

12-When administering zolpidem (Ambien) to an older client, which computer documentation indicate that the desired outcome has been achieve?

a-Improve ability to concentrate.

b-exhibits fewer emotional outbursts.

c-Sleeps soundly through the night.

d-Decreased episodes of incontinence.

13-A young male athlete tells the nurse that he is concerned because his testicles seem to be shrinking. Which question is most important for the nurse to ask this client?

a-Do you use any type of herbal supplements?

b- Are you taking any type of anabolic steroids?

c-How many hours a day do you spend exercising?

d-Do you perform regular testicular self-examinations?

14-When assessing a female client who has been taking an antipsychotic medication for the past year, the nurse observes that the client demonstrates involuntary foot tapping while both feet are flat on the floor. The nurse plans to report the observation to the healthcare provider. Which additional action should the nurse take?

a-Prepare to initiate seizure precautions for the client’s safety.

b-Assist the client in recognizing her manifestations of anxiety.

c-Advise the client that she has developed tolerance to the medication.

d-Document the finding on the abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale.

15-The home health nurse observes that a female client is using a topical preparation that contains Echinacea to treat a canker sore. Her husband expresses concern regarding the effectiveness and safety of using herbs. How should the nurse respond?

a-Many of the herbal preparations are helpful primarily because of their placebo effect.

b-This product essentially harmless, but also is not very beneficial in treating skin infections.

c-Echinacea seems to be useful in the treatment of some infections, such as canker sores.

d-Topical Echinacea is usually used to soothe burns and can cause damage to the skin.

16-A client tells the home health nurse that he is taking ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 5000 mg PO a day. What action should the nurse implement?

a-Advise the client to avoid dark green vegetables.

b-Teach the client to include citrus fruits in the daily diet.

c-Encourage the client to stand for 30 minutes after administration.

d-Advise the client to take the vitamin in one dose.


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