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write my assignment 17487

think hypothetical organization offering product /service of your choice. Identify a real potential competitor in the market.

  1. Name your product/service as well as organization.
  2. Write the mission and objectives.
  3. Scan and assess the external environment to determine the strategic factors that pose opportunities and threats.
  4. Scan and assess the internal corporate environment to determine the strategic factors that are Strengths (especially core competencies) and Weaknesses.
  5.  Analyze strategic (SWOT) factors to (a) pinpoint problem areas and (b) review and revise the corporate mission and objectives, as necessary.
  6. Generate, evaluate, and select the best alternative strategy in light of the analysis conducted in step 5.
  7. State how you are going to implement selected strategies via programs, budgets, and procedures.
  8. State how you are going to evaluate implemented strategies via feedback systems, and the control

of activities to ensure their minimum deviation from plans.


Before carrying out a SWOT analysis, consider the following guidelines:

  • Be realistic about strengths and weaknesses. When performing a SWOT analysis on your business, be neither modest nor overly optimistic.
  • Consider answers from the company’s point of view and from the point of view of customers, vendors, distributors, and others who do business with them.
  • Distinguish between where the organization is today and where it could be in the future.
  • Note that the SWOT is subjective. No two persons will come up with the same SWOT.


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write my assignment 26608

Questions that you need to work on:

What information is provided by the descriptive analytics employed at your organization?

What were the business challenges or opportunities that organization was facing? What were the main business challenges?

Describe the complexity and the competitive nature of the business environment in which your organization functions.

What type of support is provided by the predictive analytics employed at your organization?

How does prescriptive analytics help in business decision making?

In what ways can actionable information be reported in real time to concerned users of the system?

In what other situations might real-time monitoring applications be needed?

What is traditional reporting? How is it used in the organization?

How can analytics be used to transform the traditional reporting?

How can interactive reporting assist organizations in decision making?

Who are the users of the analytics tools?

What kind of dashboards they have?

How does visualization help in decision making?

What are the significant results achieved by the use of specialized BI apps, software?

What are the desired functionalities of a reporting tool?

What advantages were derived by using a reporting tool in your company?

How is predictive analytics applied in your organization?

How do visualizations aid in understanding the data and delivering insights into the data?

What is a classification problem in your organization?

What can be derived by performing sequence analysis?

How can analytical techniques help organizations to retain competitive advantage?

How can descriptive and predictive analytics help in pursuing prescriptive analytics?

What kind of prescriptive analytic techniques are employed in the case study?

Are the prescriptive models once built good forever?

Is your organization using Big Data analytics?

Why did your organization need an enterprise-wide data warehouse?

How did integrated data drive the business value?

With integrated data available in an enterprise data warehouse, what other applications could your organization potentially develop?

What are some of the key questions to be asked in supporting decision making through DSS?

What lessons should be kept in mind for successful model implementation?


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write my assignment 18613


By the end of this session, students will be able to:

· Describe Alexander Hamilton’s financial program and the reasons for opposition

· Describe American foreign policy in 1790’s.

· Describe the origins of political parties.

· Describe the nature of party conflict in this decade.

· Explain the significance of the election in 1800


Read Chapter 7 in American: Past and Present by Robert Divine and view the chapter 7 Power Point.

Helpful Web sites:

Alexander Hamilton 


A. Read Chapter 7 in American: Past and Present by Robert Divine and answer the following questions.

1. During the 1790’s, why did the revolutionary leaders become divided over the course of the new nation?

2. How did the views of Hamilton and Jefferson give birth to political parties?

3. What were the long-term effects of Hamilton’s financial plans?

4. Compare the foreign policies of Washington and Adams.

5. What would ordinary citizens have to fear with the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

B. Read the hyperlinked article and respond to one of the questions.

The Founding Wizard

(alexander_hamilton.pdf on attch)

-Why has Hamilton been demonized for being a “closet monarchist”?

-Why is Hamilton’s background and achievements a truer representation of democracy than say Thomas Jefferson?

-If Hamilton did not create the infrastructure for today’s economy, how might American look today?

C. Political Cartoon:

What is the message of this cartoon? 

Click here for the cartoon.(1804 conflict…. on the attch)


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write my assignment 20292

Need an argumentative essay on Social Globalization. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism.

The rich have continued to amass so much wealth and grow richer while the poor have continued to live in poverty and their economic power has reduced such that they cannot afford to provide for their most basic commodities. To understand the disparities between the rich and the poor, it is important for us to look at the class theory (Dadush, Dervis and Milsom 3).

In every society, the standards of living can be divided into a structure of classes. There are mainly three levels of classes in society. There is an upper class level which is mainly occupied by the wealthy in the society. They are the key owners of the means of production (Colclough and Manor 2). They control a huge percentage of the wealth of the nation and have much influence on the policy making of the nation. They are usually few in the society than the rest of the classes. The second class is the middle class. This group mainly consist of the population which are employment and have a good income but not enough for investment. They are usually the managers of the investments made by the upper class. Their main work is to ensure that the upper class continues to grow rich by ensuring that their investments are profitable. Their number is a bit larger than that of the upper class. The last group of class in the society is the lower class members. This class usually forms the majority in the society. They usually labour to get the most basic necessity of life such as food, shelter and clothing (Karagiannis, Madjd-Sadjad and Swapan 16).

Concerning the class in the United States of America, there seem to be a growing gap between the rich and the poor. The number of the rich is growing smaller while the poor have been increasing at a very high rate. The middle class has been diminishing day by day due to the low income they are earning and the high cost of living they


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