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write my assignment 14973

Using the recommended Web sites below, conduct an online investigation of state terrorism. For each question, support your assessment and criticisms with information from a journal article.

  1. Are there certain governmental or institutional profiles that distinguish repressive regimes from non-repressive regimes? If so, please list and discuss the profiles you are referring to in your response.
  2. Read the mission statements of the monitoring organizations. Do they reflect objective and professionally credible approaches for monitoring the behavior of states? If so, discuss how; if not discuss why you are taking this position and then discuss how monitoring might better be accomplished.
  3. In your opinion, how effective are these organizations? You should support your opinion with research that addresses this issue and supports your opinion.

Recommended Websites

The following Web sites are links to international organizations that provide information about countries and human rights conditions.

  • Amnesty International
  • CIA (World Factbook)
  • Doctors of the World
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières

For an online search of state terrorism, readers should activate the search engine on their Web browser and enter the following keywords:

  • State Terrorism
  • Terrorist States


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write my assignment 28464

Compose a 1500 words assignment on analysis of premarital counseling. Needs to be plagiarism free! They are taken through sessions dealing with issues that arise before and after marriage, such as insecurity in relationships. Many times, young couples opt for premarital counseling when their relationships are already damaged. It is a high time that people realize that premarital counseling should start immediately one gets into a serious relationship. This salvages many relationships because the partners get to be well equipped with the skills to deal with issues that arise in their relationships.&nbsp. Many couples today have the tendency of asking for quick solutions to their problems when they go for counseling. This tends to solve their current problem until the next one erupts and for this reason, it is a very wrong move. Young couples need to work on their relationships and salvage them from the start. Premarital counseling is an opportunity to explore the changes that are occurring in a relationship and setting good standards for a long and satisfying future. There is always an educational aspect in premarital counseling, where the couples learn the most important attribute in a relationship, which is communication skills (Foote, 2013). A couple is able to understand that the relationship they both yearn for is not the one they start with, but the one they build. This is because they are two unique persons from different backgrounds, who have come together so as to make their relationship work. A research conducted on Family Relations in the year 2003 reviewed 23 couples and found that premarital counseling was very important and effective (Ceren, 2008). According to Ceren, the couples that participated in premarital counseling reported significantly stronger marriages compared to those that did not participate (2008). Case Study of Steve and Nadia In premarital counseling, the couples learn about different issues that are very important in a relationship, such as sexuality. My case study is on a couple that is about to get married. that is, Steve and Nadia. They have dated for several years after meeting in college. They have been intimate with other partners before they dated. There are aspects of sexuality that the couple needs to know before they get married, such as arousal and response, intimacy, and contraception. When the topic of sexuality is mentioned, the first idea that comes into peoples’ minds is the physical act of sexual intercourse, but sexuality goes beyond engaging in sexual activity. In every human being, sexuality is part of the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social self. Sexuality affects the way a person thinks about himself or herself and how he or she relates to others. Sexuality is part of the entire life of a human being (The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, 2012). There are many factors that affect sexuality, for example, sexual orientation, gender, hormone levels, age among others. Sexual arousal and response start from the brain. that is, the human body responds to sexy thoughts or images, or even a feeling toward a partner. The feeling of arousal is then sent to the rest of the body, especially the genitals. For both men and women, the major component of arousal is increased blood flow to the genitals.&nbsp.&nbsp.


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write my assignment 19523

Write a 2 page essay on Legal prostitution in Amsterdam.

However one fact that is worth mentioning here is that, nature, architecture and historical aesthetics are not the only tourist attractions that are found in Amsterdam (City of Amsterdam 2008).

One of the primary factors that makes Amsterdam an exciting tourist destination among young and hedonistic tourists is the legalized Red Light Districts in the city. Operating of sex shops and brothels is completely legitimate under the Country jurisdiction. Tens of hundreds of brothels and sex shops operate with a legal license and form a distinctive hallmark of the city’s tourist attractions. Thousands of prostitutes make money out of this profession and feed their bellies and support their families on a daily basis. Prostitution is taken like any other profession in Amsterdam and the prostitutes are not considered to be lower cast human beings to be looked down upon. The Red Light District is not only famous for the lusty and sensual appeals among the tourists. but it also entails the architecture including the old construction style buildings, large windows, the pink and red color combination of paint on the walls and lights. Red Light District forms a distinctive part of the city. It has glamour, charm, novelty and attraction. Even the people that dislike Red Like Districts will found themselves spell bound and mesmerized with the beauty of the place and admire the scenes if not be a part of them.

Legalizing prostitution is beneficial for women indeed but to some extent as here we need to consider not only the women that are employed under this profession, but the women in general. Indeed legalizing prostitution is a friendly move for women that are jobless or have to support their remorse-stricken families. But on the social and educational front this move could also prove to be a blunder. Prostitutes usually get good


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write my assignment 2716

A psychiatrist hires you to study whether her clients self-disclosed more while sitting in an easy chair or lying down on a couch. All clients had previously agreed to allow the sessions to be videotaped for research purposes. You randomly assigned 10 clients to each condition. The third session for each client was videotaped and an independent observer counted the clientsʹ disclosures. You reported that ʺclients made more disclosures when sitting in easy chairs (M = 18.20) than when lying down on a couch (M = 14.31), t(18) = 2.84, p < .05, two-tailed.ʺ Explain these results to a person who understands the t test for a single sample but knows nothing about the t test for independent means.


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