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write my assignment 9368

Compare and contrast a large and small radio telescope for use in SETI. Discuss a few of the SETI projects. List a few techniques for terraforming Mars. What are the implications of the special theory of relativity to space travel? How does a rocket work? What are some of the propulsion systems (i.e. Chemical)? Define the 4 main quantities to describe rocket science. Which fuels provide the best specific impulse? Project Orion was the first serious study of interstellar flight. How was it supposed to work? Dec 10, 2004 Astronomy 230 Fall 2004 L.W. Why was Project Daedalus important? Discuss 2 of the 8 options for propulsion systems. What are the biggest problems for interstellar flight? What is a possible interstellar mechanism from general relativity? How can we colonize the galaxy? Discuss long-haul spacecraft. What are the classifications of civilization types? Based on the class Drake Equation results, what are the class conclusions about life in our Galaxy? L.W


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write my assignment 17311

I will pay for the following essay British Slavery in the Middle of the 18th Century. The essay is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

This paper declares that&nbsp.in Britain colonies, the white masters owned black domestics and the number of black servants one had showed their position or wealth. With time, owning slaves became a trendy habit and slaves were imported to satisfy these tastes. In England, slaves were more than rejects and worthless people in the growing Atlantic empire. Slavery suited Africans since the whites regarded them as less human, which then made them predators of slavery system that removed them from their homelands and cast them ashore in Europe particularly Britain. In Britain, forcing slaves into horrible labour involved justifications from the Bible and ancient Greek practise.From the discussion it is clear that&nbsp.the definition of Britain as the largest slave trafficker globally was highly due to London. It was in London where the earliest slave traffickers like John Hawkins lived in the 16th century. In addition, the early seventeenth century saw the creation of monopoly firms by Royal Charter with the objective of slave trade. Slave trade companies located in London included The Royal Africa Company and the Royal Adventurers. Ports in London played the crucial role of sending ships to Africa and America, and handling and processing most slave-produced goods and sugar into Britain. Obtaining slaves from African states was not an easy task and at times, it involved random raids by Europeans before becoming a regular commerce.


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write my assignment 19429

I need some assistance with these assignment. lbs management case study questions Thank you in advance for the help!  LB’s Management Case Study Questions Throughout the launching process, the Forever Young global advertising and communications team faced various challenges including miscommunication between the Toronto and London offices, information deficiency, and deficiency of time to deliver a final product. Team’s poor coordination and the decision by Florin and David to leave resulted in a team that had little knowledge of the market. These difficulties derailed the launching process.

The difficulties experienced by LB’s organization are attributable to the use of a long communication link instead of a direct communication which was needed for the turnaround. The organization’s communication link encompassed account supervisors at the London and Toronto offices causing delays, and making it hard for the teams to quickly share information that would have helped in product designing. Also, these challenges are attributable to the failure of LB to adopt face-to-face communication, which would have helped in building the togetherness that the organization direly needed at the launching phase.

If I were Janet Carmichael, I will decentralize the team. After decentralization, I would adopt the traditional format of task assigning. This would be most expedient for the organization.

After decentralization, it will imply that client’s local offices will gain more ability and power. Effective coordination will thus take place at the local level, and cost efficiency of the venture will be enhanced since LB’s team will work directly with clients. To bring a product with a high prospect of success in the Canadian market, this decentralization is necessary since it will allow the marketing in the mass media will be done by utilizing local advertising proficiency.


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write my assignment 3976

Which one of the following scenarios accurately describes a condition in which resonance can occur? A. A column of air has a height equal to 1⁄8 of the wavelength of the sound waves produced by a tuning fork vibrating over the column of air in an open pipe that’s partially immersed in water. B. A person is holding a tuning fork on one end of a football field and another person is holding a separate tuning fork on the opposite end of the field. C. A vibrating tuning fork is struck and begins to vibrate as the object used to strike it is placed away from the tuning fork. D. A pipe’s length is equal to 1⁄2 of the wavelength of the sound waves produced by a tuning fork vibrating over one end of the pipe that’s open to the air at both ends.


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