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write my assignment 21678

Compose a 2000 words essay on Should Organisations Transition Towards a Green Supply Chain. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The aim of this paper is to avail action plan and facilitate knowledge among supply chain professionals who need to embrace Green strategy efficiently and communicate these efforts to their commodity consumers, public and partners.

Despite the public focus on the environment, benefits attached to reducing a firm’s environmental impacts are never at the forefront of supply chain executives’ minds. It seems that many executives are still unaware of that enhanced environmental performance implies fewer environmental-permitting fees, lesser waste-disposal and training costs, and, quite, lessened material costs. Optimistically, the interest in green issues and environmental concerns by the public will never decline as economic issues become more significant due to the irresolute economy (Charter, Kielkiewicz-Young, et al. 2001). Organizations are at loggerheads in deciding whether to embrace green supply chain management due to lack of proper skills in strategic management of green supply chain. Strategic management of Green supply chain entails gathering and analyzing environmental regulations and customer needs, deliberating on the relevant environmental issues with the procurement, manufacturing and quality control department across the supply chain organizations and collapsing into development and communication of the green supply chain policies to all stakeholders of the supply chain ranging from supplier to customer’s customer. Such a lengthy and elaborative procedure presents problems for most organizations despite the intense pressure exerted by their respective governments and consumers who have turned to such firms that have not incorporated Green strategies. The academic in proper knowledge endowment on adopting and implanting green supply chain in firms strategic planning and operation thus possess a major threats to those static firms due to lack of increased


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write my assignment 3717

Use the following information to calculate the M1 money supply, the M2 money supply, the monetary base, total bank reserves, required bank reserves, excess bank reserves and the M2 money multiplier. Assume that the required reserve ratio for all customer deposits (checking + savings) is 20%.

Checking accounts: $60

Cash held by banks (vault cash) $80

Cash held by businesses and households $40

Loans $70

Deposits from banks at the central bank $130

Savings accounts $14

M1 Money Supply:

Total Bank Reserves:

M2 Money Supply:

Required Bank Reserves:

Monetary Base:

Excess Bank Reserves:

M2 Money Multiplier:


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write my assignment 6679

a. Categorize each description below under the principle that describes that particular behavior of fluids. (1 point)

Descriptions: Describes hydraulic lifts, Describes airplane flight, Describes floating objects, Buoyant force equals weight of fluid displaced, Pressure decreases as a fluid moves faster, Pressure is the same throughout an enclosed fluid, , Fbuoyant = ρgV

  Archimedes’ principle        Bernoulli’s principle           Pascal’s principle      

b. A force of 3300 N is exerted on a piston that has an area of 0.060 m2. What force is exerted on a second piston that has an area of 0.18 m2? (1 point)

c. Describe an object that floats in water and an object that sinks in water in terms of their respective densities, as well as in terms of the relationship between each one’s weight and buoyant force. (1 point)


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write my assignment 18110

Name the several geographic features in India and locate them?

Region of hills and upland plateau in the south was called the _________

Two of the major cities of Harappan civilization?

What was the economic basis of Harappan civilization?

The Harappan were a _______ of over 1500 cities ruled over by aristocrats.

Who invaded the area we call India and conquered the Harappan sometime around 1500BC?

Where did the invaders come from?

The invaders brought much with them. They brought _________ to the Harappan who didn’t have it prior and used it to record their history. They also brought new technology for ___________ which increased cultivation – this included the introduction of ____________.

The political/religious leaders of these invaders were called? ___________ and _____________

Whether intentional or not, this invasion and assimilation led to the creation of a ________ system. This system was based on color or __________.

Everyone was held to this caste system due to the law, also called __________.

Who was subject to the law? ___________

Name the castes: ________, ___________, _____________, ____________, and ___________.

Who were the twice born castes? ______________

Within each caste was a large joint family responsible for specific functions within society called a _____________.

On a practical level, what purpose did the idea of reincarnation serve? ___________

Describe gender relations in ancient India. Role of women, wife ….

In India male superiority over females touched every aspect of life including ___________

The gods: Creator: _________ Preserver: ____________ Destroyer: ________


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